Pork cookable Recipe perfect for Picky Eaters
Rigos Meal, the best healthiest wholesome high protein raw small batch dog & cat food. Fresh, Natural, Raw Dog Food. Our Pork recipe is a special and perfect dish for dogs who are picky eaters. Bursting with exquisite aromas and flavors, it is crafted from 100% natural ingredients. This recipe features pork loin, pork organs, calcium, pumpkin seeds, apples, carrots, rosemary, and sweet potatoes.
Lightly cooked to preserve its nutrients, this dish can also be used as a topper for dogs on a raw diet, giving them the opportunity to enjoy this healthy protein in their weekly meals. Pork is an excellent source of protein and amino acids, making it a great option for dogs suffering from allergies, especially those coming off processed foods or those high in fillers.
Guaranteed Nutritional Analysis:
• Protein: 18.63%
• Crude Fat: 4.81%
• Crude Fiber: 0.3%
• Moisture: 73% (Max)
• Calories: 1294 kcal per kg
• Net Content: 2.39 lbs / 1.08 kg
• Each Bag Contains: 4 packs of 0.15 lbs each.